Genique's Recovery

In March 2016 our daughter, Genique, was diagnosed with a brain tumor growing from the optic nerve. It's called a Pilocytic Astrocytoma, but she calls it her "mushroom". On 31 Aug 2016, Dr Charlie Teo removed 85-90% of the tumour. Unfortunately Genique's vision was severely affected by the tumour. This blog is about her recovery and the challenges our family face daily. My Story / Video Story

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How Proud Can a Mother Be?

​With the kids back at school and me working extra shifts, things have not been easy!

I’m so glad the kids are back as it became impossible to keep them occupied these last few weeks.

A thousand questions…

The first day of school, and I’m working that morning. I left the kids in dads capable hands. He will take them to school for their first day.

In a way I feel sad as I used to be the one who would take them to school and share this exciting day! The girls were super excited and could not wait. New year, new beginnings, new friendships.

I can’t help but have these nervous feelings as I think of the year ahead.

Will Genique be able to cope with the workload?
Will she fall behind because she can’t keep up with the other kids?
This is the year they start reading!
How will she master reading if she can’t see?

Will she be okay…?

We all want our kids to be happy and do well at school.

Again my mind race off and I get more anxious.

How will she be able to have a normal life without any vision?
Will she be able to drive a car?
How will she meet her prince, and marry, and have kids.
(Yes, a bit extreme, but the unknown of the future scares me!)

Let’s see what the year has in store for us.
What ever it is, our family is ready to take it on!

First day off school - Dad vs Mum

The morning started by me getting the girls’ clothes ready before I head off to work. The kids are dressed and ready for school. I asked Ruan to take a few pictures so that I could also be a part of it.

Now I can relax and look forward to pick-up time.
I can’t wait to hear how good their first day was.

Pick-up time I noticed the photo display on the classroom wall - My first day in Pre-Primary. I could not miss Genique’s picture as it’s one of the first up on display.

As I’m looking at her picture, my first thought was “What happened to your hair?”

I made the decision there and then to never leave the girls’ hair in daddy’s “capable” hands :).

Daddy’s handy work on the left vs mummy’s on the right.

You decide who’s the winner :)

Daddy vs MummyDaddy vs Mummy

Fighting spirit

It is now week four of school and the visiting teacher from Sensory Education is very pleased with Genique.

She’s starting with braille this year and will still do everything the rest of the class is doing. When they learn letters and numbers, she will be learning the braille equivalent.

This is her current brailler.


We are looking at getting her a smart brailler. One which is modern and tech savvy.

We are still so grateful to everyone who got behind Genique before her surgery as it make decisions, like getting a new brailler, so much easier.
Anything making her life easier, we will pursue.

​She is absolutely loving and enjoying school!

She plays in the sand pit, something she hasn’t done since the surgery.
She goes on the swing and swing all by herself, also something she hasn’t done since the surgery.
She even went for a few bike rides!
She is interacting more and more and it makes me so happy.

Her confidence is growing daily.

Last week I was told that she is a very bright girl.
The sensory school provided her with pre braille work that was supposed to last her the whole term.
Genique finished it in two weeks!

Then, to top it all, she had her first ballet lesson two weeks ago and she loved it! She decided that this is what she wanted to do and I made work of it. I found a place that was willing to teach her despite her vision loss.

We live in a wonderful community with amazing people with the most loving hearts, and I stand in awe.

Thanks Perth Dance Centre for making Genique’s dream a reality.

Genique the ballerinaGenique the ballerina

Why was I worried about you in the first place, Blom?

Genique, I could not be more proud to be your mum.
You have so much love for life and you really and truely live life to the full, despite the obstacles and challenges!
(Something I see and learn from you every day).

There is nothing I would rather see than your smile.
Nothing I would rather hear than your laughter.
You have a fighting spirit which I admire.
No matter what life throws at you, you just get back up again.
You can do anything you put your mind to.

No limits, no regrets!

From your biggest fan who loves you unconditionally
Mummy 💋